Tag Archives: moving

Thank You. Ok?

29 Nov

We have failed you, dear readers. I promised we would return to our regular postings, but we haven’t, and that makes me a gross liar. We have been busy bees this fall. School, new jobs, and puppies have filled our time. Sometimes, all I want to do is cuddle and play with this babybabe, Geoff, all day long:

Show me one person who doesn't think this is the cutest pup ever, and I'll show you a liar.

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moving, renovation: relevant (perhaps always)

14 Jun

so, here’s the low down.

Things are happening right now, important things, hard things, big things, things that tire us like the wailing of sirens in the morning. Moving is a theme of our lives right now and that’s making blogging a difficult task for us. I am speaking for all the girls here, but I think they’d agree if I said, we’ve sorta hung a sign on this virtual door saying, “Be back shortly” in loopy red writing.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re here, physically. Ask us things, take us out to coffee, tell us you love us so much. But, seeing as the website is currently under construction, we’ve kinda begun to get our own personal lives in order before getting back into the swing of this here thing. [I’ve mentioned this but we’ve got this cool web designer guy going to town on the site right now. He’s like magic or a man in an orange protective helmet].

Here is a short list of what’s been going on with the Chickz:

*Abby Hines became Abby Grindle and the other five of us dressed in our wedding finery and went out to support the blushing bride.

*Lindsey has found her various game systems: Nintendo, GameCube, Sega, etc and is currently attempting to rule the world of gaming.

*Lindsey and Lora moved into the house, they are sharing the apartment below Ashley and myself (along with Mr. McNelly). Layne has yet to move but will be around August. (She’s just ‘cross town from us other gals). And, Abs is around the block with her hubby.

our house.

*I have been diligently working and searching for more work. I just secured a second job at Tradehome Shoes in the mall (Sean Lovelace, come see me and I’ll sell you some nice hiking boots and running shoes)!

*Ashley Ford has been working on decorating her new bedroom. It looks stunning thus far. She also works two big-girl jobs!

*Lastly, Lindsey, Lora and myself are trying hard to acquaint the three cats in our lives: Sampson, Pol Pot, and Ghenghiss Khat. So, needless to say, a lot of hissing and cat drama.

Dear readers, the darling few of you who have kept with us during this time of slow reading, we sincerely promise to bring you a spankin’ new website with new and stellar material soon.

We love you guys.

Elysia-Neurosia: Reflections of a Compulsive List-Maker

1 Feb

Fourth-Fifth Grade.


They were alphabetized by the names of students. Girls first, then boys. The teacher found them spilling out my desk. No, I wasn’t going to throw them out. Isn’t it reasonable? Of course, we need to keep track of how many times the prettiest girl in class fumbles a word. Why? Because though she may be the prettiest girl, I’m at least literate.

Sixth Grade.

The names of the boys in class, ranked by ear size, then re-ranked by order of importance on the play ground. Billy: large, but plays basketball. Evan: large, but plays soccer. Aeryk: medium, does karate (not well). Christopher: small, plays the tuba (not a sport).

he doesn't do karate anymore

Seventh Grade.

License plates. Faces of gas station attendants in order of attractiveness. List of Little Debbie snacks consumed in a day. Miles. States. Times Dino farted in his kennel in the backseat of the mini-van. Weather (as we entered Indiana, in all caps: SNOW).

Eighth Grade.

Number of times and manners in which Stephen Burkhart asks me out (each time, I refuse). Names of girls who call me a dyke ranked by how Amish they appear. Number of buggies that pass my house in a day, time marked by page number of the book I was reading. How many times my dad and my mom cuss (at each other).

Ninth Grade.

Places where I am hit with a soccer ball. Names of teammates that speak badly about me when they think I can’t hear. Dates which I ask for a sewing machine. Reasons why I need a sewing machine. First boyfriend and days that I avoid his lips. Places I hide from said boyfriend (#1). Schools we lose swim meets to.

(I am too awkward and I avoid photographs…ie, didn’t have time to scan the humbling brace-faced yearbook pic)

Tenth Grade.

Boyfriend’s(#2) various band names. Times I feel uncomfortable in a crowd of “scene kids.” Ways to possibly reinvent myself. Times and ways my sister makes me feel inferior (I never tell her).

"so i prayed". band name: ahahaha

Eleventh Grade.

Places where I am photographed for the yearbook. Times and places I hear my name around the school. Scale of how popular I feel from day to day. Names of boys that ask me out. Ways I refuse. Dances I go to. Partners I dance with. Names of boys who want to kiss me. Names of boys I let kiss me. Various ensembles ranked in order of appeal to female peers, re-ranked in order of sex appeal. Schools where I win races for the swim team. Schools where I get a red card on the soccer field.

picture in which i am a fashion diva for the year book

Twelfth Grade.

Locations of Colleges I apply for ranked by appearance, re-ranked by location to boyfriend (#3). Times and places boyfriend says ‘I love you.’ Number of cat-calls from audiences during first lead role in high-school play ranked in order of importance (friends being 1, boyfriend being 5, people I don’t know being 10). Places I study for academic teams ranked from quietest of loudest. Dates where I feel guilty for quitting sports. Times my mother and father fight, or mention divorce ranked in order of fear I feel. Dates and length of time I cry on the phone to boyfriend. Countdown to graduation. Dates and times I want to kill boyfriend for ‘breaking my heart’. Dates and times I consider punching out ex-boyfriend’s current girlfriend. Dates and times I am thankful not to be getting married. Countdown to college.

this is how we study for academic teams