Tag Archives: Broken Plate

My Grandma doesn’t heart the Internet, so I can write Non-fiction.

17 Feb


Some of you saw that I tweeted about posting a series of flashes today.
Some of you got really excited about that.
(That was swell of ya.)

But I lied.
I’ll post that next week, because before I show you what I’m doing this year, I thought maybe I’d show you the best from last year. Really, we’re still getting to know each other. It’s only like our third date.
Don’t get handsy.

If you’re local, you’ve maybe heard me read this story. I opened for Jeremy Bauer and Tyler Gobble back in November.
Also! It’s being printed in this year’s edition of The Broken Plate, and that launches March 23 and 24 during the In Print Festival.
Arts & Journalism Building, room 175.

IN PRINT FESTIVAL IS TOTALLY RAD. So let’s post some links for that.
The panel this year is Paul Killebrew (author of Flowers), Tina May Hall (The Physics of Imaginary Objects), Deb Guartney (author of Live Through This), and the editors of Artifice Magazine.
Each of the authors reads and talks a little bit about their book, being a writer, etc. The Broken Plate staff does a great job of setting the whole thing up—they’ve done interviews, those will be in the edition of the Broken Plate that comes out THAT NIGHT. I think it’s all free, and they give out free copies of The Broken Plate to the audience. It’s basically Oparah’s favorite things episode, but brainy.

Okay, read this now. It’s called “A Child’s Story.” Also, have yourself a merry little Thursday. It’s sunny out there.

My grandmother once handed me a roll of masking tape and a marker and said, “Linds, take a look around the house. Anything you want, take a piece of tape and stick your name to the bottom of it. I don’t want you to have to fight anyone to get the things you want.”

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